
Monday, May 24, 2010

Purple is the winner: My First Giveaway


I started this blog almost one month ago to the day, I have 114 followers, I think its time for a giveaway..No?

Thanks to everyone who voted and followed the winning color is PURPLE!!!

I searched high and low for just the right things and here they are:

NEW to Orly "Velvet Rope"
NEW to Revlon "Grape Icy" smells like grapes, even with a topcoat :P
NEW to Finger Paints "Passionate Purple" from the "Love at First Bright Collection" 2010.
Grape Laffy Taffy Lip Balm...with jokes on the tube!
Pumice Sponge for hands and feet...its purple too!
Can't forget the candy, Jumbo Push Pop in "Berry Blast"
(Everything is new and unused)

I'm doing this one real simple, until I get the hang of it :)

1) You MUST be a follower.  If you already are...GREAT...If not, JOIN the fun!

2) Fill out my form below.  I need your follower name and email in order to contact you and let you know that you won. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR INFO IN THE COMMENT SECTION!

3) An extra entry is you add my giveaway to your blog.  Please leave the link location so I can check. :)

4)Please try and fill out the form once. I will check for multiple entries

5) Also, let me know which is your favorite purple polish EVER, and if you don't have a favorite purple polish tell me which polish in my giveaway you are most excited to have :)

6) Contest is open to domestic and international followers till WEDNESDAY JUNE 30th . I will stop taking entries June 30th at midnight EST.

After that time, I will use a to select a winner and I will contact that person. That person has 48 hours to respond and then I'll pick another number .

Sound good?  Good luck and thanks for following!


  1. awesome giveaway, just submited my entry :)

  2. oh Purple is my favorite color thanks for the awesome giveaway! ~Patricia

  3. Love reading your blog and checking out your down-to-Earth posts. I tagged you with an award. You can pick it up at my blog:

  4. I put your giveaway right at the top so no one misses it ;o)

  5. @ Lacquer ware- Thanks for the award!

    I'm glad to hear you all like the giveaway!

  6. Just submitted my entry :D

    nice giveaway

    thank you so much :)

  7. I would enter--but being a purple girl, I already have two of those, and no doubt will pick up the third soon. :)

  8. @ KarenD- No worries, I plan on doing other colors soon :P Which two do you have? have you swatched them yet?

  9. Great Giveaway, :D
    I like purples!!

  10. hi i just found your blog and i like!!I live in sweden,and just love nailpolish,but i dont have a beauty blog.but i follow you at google.I love purple!!!

  11. Hi :)
    I like purple!!
    That is an awesome giveaway thanks :)

  12. Looooooooooooove purple! :-)

  13. = )
    Lovely GA.
    Purple is my fav colour.

    Andreia. xoxo

  14. Hi, I see you very often on otrher giveaway :)It's nice from you to organize this giveaway !! Moreover, I love purple polish :)

  15. hi ! I follow you, I'm Bluwnini! this giveway is funny ! I like it! my mail is

    best regards

  16. Hey Jackie, sorry just catching up on posts and things. I have the Revlon and the Finger Paints and haven't gotten around to swatching either yet--so many untrieds, so little time. :)

  17. Wonderful! Thanks Jackie :)

  18. Hi again,

    This is the link of my post about the giveaway..

    My email:

    Thx <3

  19. Just submitted my form!

    Very nice giveaway. I've just mentioned you on my blog, with a special English feature.
    I've been too lazy to write my notes in both French and English so far. You've given me that little push!

  20. Thanks so much for this giveaway! Hope I'll win :)

    joanne.j at hotmail dot com

  21. Hi I am Lorraine (aka MartianDelights) and I am a new follower ! I love purple varnish :)
    Favourite purple varnish is probably the Barry M vivid purple but I have only started exploring the world of varnishes and I am sure I will find another favourite colour very soon :)
    I have posted your blog giveaway on my sidebar here:

    Thanks for the giveaway x

  22. Like it!
    I don't have a lot of purples because it's hard to find a good one, but these are great!

  23. I just entered! All of those purples are beautiful:)

  24. purple is my favorite color and so I'd like to thank you for this giveaway!

    Love the different shades!

  25. Great giveaway, loooove the purples:)

  26. Hello I'm céline
    I would like to participate in this concour, I'm new in your discipline of the nail art since I'm you thus these presents will be me useful to begin.
    I love purple and red on nails length.
    Saddened for my English, it is the translator because I don't speak English.
    Good continuation.
