
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Avoidance is futile

I saw how pretty China Glaze Flying Dragon was, I was told how gorgeous it was, but I just didn't realize it until I bought my own bottle and swatched it.....Gorgeous!

Here it is 2 coats, but I should have done 3 coats (there is VNL), I was impatient once I saw how pretty it was.

When I had my "purple giveaway", I asked what your favorite purple polish was, and over 50% responded that this was your I know why!

It has great blue and pink glitter in a neon purple base, it is thinner than I thought but still pretty..  It dries matte, but with a top coat it looks fabulous!

This bright tones in this polish really sent my camera into a tail spin!

Here is a pic without top coat, where you can see the glitter a little better. 

The polish dries matte and is a tiny bit bumpy, but a top coat takes that all away :)

This is too pretty to if you are avoiding this polish like I have been, DON'T..just get's worth it :)


  1. No, don't get it. It is streaky and patchy and bumpy and it will not look as good as you hope!
    Sorry, but I HATED it.
    It was one of my biggest disappointment-polishes ever!

  2. hmmm... weird, I've got it too, but it wasn't streaky at all... I painted it, put a topcoat on and wasn't impressed and there we go again, changed to another polish ^^

  3. I've had no problems with this polish other than the bumpiness but top coat clears that up. Hm I didn't have any streaks. :X

  4. @ Everyone- I wonder if there are production differences in this polish. Ive heard comments all across the board.

    I love varying opinions, keep'em coming ladies :)

  5. This is one of my favorites. I love the different color glitters in this one. However I'm so confused by it too. My version seems to be more on the blue-violet side. I went to Sally's today and saw a bunch of these that matched more on the side of your bottle a brighter more purple-red? I'm guessing people are right about the production differences. I think I want to go purchase the other one now just to compare!

  6. @ StardustStephanie- Alzarine Claws was asking about this same thing. I heard there are two versions of this, but Ive only seen one (mine), so please do a comparison and email when you've done it, I'd love to see it. :)

  7. After I had this on my toes I showed it to my sister who had to borrow it and she loved it as much as me keeps asking for it again and again...she puts fairy dust on top of it! it's great I had no problems with my bottle...

  8. This looks absolutely amazing on you! It is one of my favorites too!

  9. it's a nice color.. i don't know if i will get it this exact one if it is bumpy/streaky. maybe the weatcher changes the product..? too hot a climate..?

  10. This is absolutely gorgeous! I love purples but I don't own this..This is going right on my wishlist!

  11. WOW i really love this shade on you!!!


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