
Thursday, September 30, 2010

New Lippmann's

She's done it again, Deborah Lippmann is a genius!

I for one can not wait to get my paws on "Today Was A Fairytale"...gorgeous!!!

You can get these new babies on her site HERE 

"Boom Boom Pow" would look hot over your favorite nude, taupe or black! :P

Getcha Nails Did has a great swatch of this one HERE 


  1. They both look amazing...oh Lippmann, how you taunt me! :)

  2. @ Zara- Taunt us both, I only own 1 Lippmann, but I have like 10 or more on my wish list! Hilarious! LOL

  3. wow, I really want the across the universe one but they don't ship to New Zealand and I can't find a stockist here either!! wAHHHHHHH

  4. Those colors will take you right through to the end of the year. HOT!!!

  5. Ugh why can't we have Lippmann in the UK easily?!

  6. That Fairy tale one looks amazing ,
    want to have a closer look to make my judment. But seems pretty.


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