
Monday, October 25, 2010

A little pixie dust never hurt....

Orly's "Pixie Dust", so pretty, perfect on a cloudy day right?

"Pixie Dust" 3 coats

It's a sheer grey shimmer that leans blue, and is perfect on a cloudy day!

The first coat went on super sheer, but the 2nd coat started to build nicely, so by the 3rd coat it was perfect!

But what little sun I had, went away immediately.... so I decided to mimic the recent cloud cover, with a little added gloom!

1 coat of IsaDora Graffiti Top Coat...Love it!   You have to work fast with this top coat or it will look dries fast.I decided not to add another top coat, i like the contrast between the matte black cracks and the shimmery polish underneath :)

Also, did I tell you that this IsaDora brush is awesome!!! Nice and wide, almost like the O.P.I. brush, and so easy to work with!

This is the last week to enter my giveaway, HERE


  1. The crackle looks cool!
    I like the color overall, *nods* suits a gloomy day in Ireland.

  2. wow! that really is the perfect polish for a cloudy day! so pretty :)

  3. I love this color. And I love rainy days.. which is probably why I love this color. I really like what you did with the crackle polish as well.

  4. omg i LOVE this mani. by itself is cute but with the crackle it is freakin awesome. I need those crackle polishes

  5. I like the grey on it's own, but with the black crackle, it's perfect!

  6. Ahhhh I want a crackle polish soooo badly! *L*

  7. Thanks everyone! The good thing about crackle is that it also extends the wear of any manicure. :)

    I am very happy OPI is finally making a crackle polish, bout damn time!!!

  8. I love the cracle polish! <3<3<3 It looks great!!

  9. i love it :D if you quickly apply another coat of polish before it dried, there'll be larger cracks-

    and I love the isadora brush too, makes it easier to paint

  10. love this combo, isnt pixie dust a sweet color?!

  11. This is such a pretty color. I cant ever find it though.

  12. Pixie dust looks fabulous on you. I still haven't learned to appreciate the crackle aesthetic though :)

  13. This looks great! I love it with the crackle.


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