
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Deborah Lippmann "Bad Romance" vs. Revlon "Facets of Fuchsia"

*ding ding*

In the right corner weighing in at .5 fl oz., costing $18.00, we have the ever popular,  bad girl of glitter.. Deborah Lippmann's "BAD ROMANCE"!... *the crowd roars*

In the left corner weighing in at exactly the same weight of .5 fl. oz., costing $3.74 (plus tax), we have the up and coming champ, the new kid on the block, Revlon's "FACETS OF FUCHSIA" *fans cheer*

Let's get ready to RUMBLLLLLLLLLLE!

The fighters go toe-to-toe...Let's keep this clean ladies, no hitting below the belt :)

Left to Right: DL, Revlon, DL, Revlon.

Left to Right: DL, Revlon, DL, Revlon.

Left to Right: Revlon, DL

This was a grueling fight, both are swatched at 3 coats, and as you can see the Revlon delivers some serious left hooks of "mini- glitter" overload, compared to the Lippmann.  The mini glitter is here for a fight ladies :)

 Left to Right: Revlon, DL, Revlon

Both were opaque in 2 coats (but I just had to do 3 coats), and both went on smoothly, but as you can see, the Revlon has a lot more "mini glitter" than the Lippmann. ..*a right upper cut to the rib cage*

 Left to Right: Revlon, DL

Even though I love the Lippmann for being a great contender, it can't beat the Revlon's extra 1-2 punch of glitter power. ..*Uh-oh the Lippmann is stumbling*

Left to Right; DL, Revlon, DL, Revlon

What's this?......The Lippmann has a darker base, as you can see above, and thus delivers a stronger contrast between the "eye catching pink glitter" and it's darker "brooding base".  * the Lippmann delivers a jab/cross combo, the Revlon is against the ropes* :)

So who is the winner of this famous "toe-to-toe" match up??....only you can decide, but if you were to ask me...either one of these beauties would be a champ in any girls collection. :P

Keep It Sweet!


  1. LOL i did this last week only I didnt put it on nails. Isnt this awesome though??? Yay for cheapies!!!!!!!!

  2. Really similar!!
    I prefer the revlon!!

  3. Love the commentary :-)

    I just bought the Revlon version this morning because I can't quite bring myself to buy an $18 bottle of nail polish, even though I WANT TO SO BADLY!

    But this looks like it will suffice!


  4. I love it! Not only do I get a great review but just shot Diet Coke out of my nose!! Ah, it's a good day! :)
    You rock!

  5. @L- You did? I'm so behind on following my beloved blog sisters :)

    @Deez nailz- Thank U :)

    @Rock-or-not- Yeah, you can't beat a great glitter for under $4 :P

    @Fashion Footing- Thank U, I had fun with this one :)

  6. LOL, I like Revlon better. Great post. I bought this yesterday and on every blog I see doing the comparisons, Revlon wins all the time, ESPECIALLY for the price paid for a Lippman polish. Very gorgeous color

  7. Interesting comparison, expecially for us italian ladies who can't buy Lippmann's polishes. But we have Revlon!!! ;))

  8. LOL! Great post! I'd pick Revlon though.

  9. I'm a little stunned that I think I prefer the Revelon!

  10. I think I like the Revlon better than the DL - more bang for your buck! Thanks for the comparison - I'm going to have to keep my eyes open for this one. :)

  11. oh this post is so funny! it totally made me laugh LOL .!!
    i've been waiting for someone to compare these both since i kept hearing it was a dupe.. i def prefer Revlon! ..*runs to target*

    thanks for the great post!

  12. OMG!!! I was so excited to see this post! I literally JUST bought the Revlon one today and had no idea it was even a dupe for anything I just liked the glitter polishes and I plan to get the others, but now I'm even more excited I bought it!!! Ahhh! So excited!

  13. hahahahah! this was the funniest post i've read in a long time. thanks for the awesome comparison!

  14. I call it even match and which ever you can get your hands on it needs to be in your stash. I see the Revlon going on the secondary market for almost as much as the DL!!! Thus far this collection from Revlon has not shown up in my town and good chance it won't. We don't get all the Revlon campaigns.

  15. YAY! I absolutely want to get my mitts on this Revlon!

  16. I'm so glad I didn't buy Bad Romance! I was about to!

  17. Love the writing style of this post! I think I prefer the Revlon. I'm glad I wanted until a dupe came out!

  18. hahaha this post cracked me up! thanks for the comparison and boxing humor ;)

  19. I've really been wanting to see these side by side. I have on Facets of Fushia right now and wondered how close they actually were. Thanks for the post and the funny commentary.

  20. This is fabulous! I'm tweeting it! I love your commentary, and how you switched up which polish was on which nails; it let me see if I could tell a difference! I think I like the DL, bc of the darker base and contrast, as u so astutely noticed, but due to the $ factor, I think I'd have to go w Revlon! FAB post and very fun!!! :)

  21. I'm so happy everyone enjoyed the post as much as I did. Thank U for commenting :)

  22. lol!!! Love the boxing metaphors! I just picked FOF up from Target last week and I'm looking forward to trying it. Thanks for the comparison because I cant afford to splurge on DL right now.

  23. Great review - I love the hilarious commentary!!

  24. Hilarious post! I'll be on the lookout for that killer Revlon!

  25. I mentioned and linked to this post on my review of Facets of Fushia at

    Thanks again for the great post!

  26. Anyone know if one wears longer and better then the other??

  27. LOL great comparison! informative and entertaining :)

  28. I just got mine Revlon today^__^ can't even tell how happy I was when I saw it!!! Went to ULTA, sold out, went to local CVS, didn't even see anything in this glitter line. And finally found this lolvely in Rite Aid..the last bottle!! I was holding this Revlon the whole time I was in the store^^ ha ha ha


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