
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

4 duochrome colors from Scherer "Chameleon": Swatches

Today I have 4 duo-chrome colors from Scherer "Chameleon". This fabulous brand can be found at your local Rite Aid drugstore for around $2.99 a bottle, and they are amazing!!!!!

Top: Left to Right: Calypso, Blue Sky.
Bottom: Left to Right: Waltz Nucleus.

Left to Right: Calypso, Blue Sky, Waltz and Nucleus. 

2 coats, no top coat

In indirect light...

Calypso, is so delicate and pretty. Pretty bright lilac shimmer with flashes of pink, silver and green in low light.  I wasn't expecting to see green, but it's there...*it IS there right?*...LOL!

"Blue Sky"
2 coats, no top coat

In indirect light...

Blue Sky is gorgeous! Bright blue and Purple duo-chrome with flashes of green and darker blues and it's just breathtaking. This color is a MUST for everyone. :)

It reminds me of OPI "Glacier Bay Blues", but lighter. The "Glacier Bay Blues" is definitely darker, but Blue Sky is like "Glacier Bay Blue's" little lighter sister. :)

2 coats, no top coat

In indirect light...

Waltz is awesome! I can not do "the dance", but I can wear this color, LOL!  Waltz is a great indigo shimmer with flashes of bright midnight blue. In indirect light, the brightness is toned down, and you get really pretty waves of purple and blue melted perfectly together. :)

Wowza! does this polish speak to me!

2 coats no top coat

In indirect light...

Nucleus is an inced wine shimmer with flashes of arctic blue and silver, so, so pretty! In indirect light the flashes turn to a more burnished green with a little bit of teal shining thru.

This color totally reminds me of the old Maybelline color "Vanishing Venus", I swatched it HERE last year, and by looking at the 2 swatches, they look mighty close. :) I will have to compare these later.

Overall, these colors are great finds, and if you like duo-chrome colors that flash and change then you must add them to your collection. :) They all applied very well with 2 coats, but on "Nucleus", I will do 3 coats, just to get that completely saturated look :).

Al1 4 had a good consistency, and none of them were thick and goopy, thus they dried really fast. Win win all around!!

Keep it Sweet!


  1. Oh wow these are so interesting! I love that they're so cheap too! Great swatches btw babe!

  2. These look amazing!!! I have a few, but never tried them. Others have had problems with bubbling. I hope I have a good experience like you did.

  3. All shades looks so nice. But BLUE SKY is my fave! :)

  4. Thank you so much for reviewing these! I've seen these at Rite-Aid numerous times, but I never get them because I wasn't sure of the quality.

  5. Wow, that's really cool chameleons!! :)

  6. Wow! I wish I could find these in Sweden.

  7. OMG! I can't believe these are only 2.99!! I don't have a Rite Aid near me, but luckily my bf is interning in another state that has a Rite Aid. He's been asking me if I wanted anything. I hope he can hunt these down! :)

  8. Wow, when i took a look at Blue Sky all I could say was "Oh My!"

  9. Looks like I'm going to need to check these out next time I'm at Rite Aid. I haven't ever seen these before.

  10. Beautiful on you! You convinced me I need Calypso!

  11. Waltz must be mine! So gorgeous!

  12. I picked up Waltz & Nucleus while I was at Rite Aid today!

  13. Do you know if these are still available?

  14. @Brandy McLellen- Not really, the stock is pretty slim at most Rite Aids.

  15. I am going to my Rite Aid tomorrow! I saw these but I was waiting for them to go on clearance (I know, I'm so cheap lol). I may have to go ahead and grab a few, I love duochromes! Thanks for the fantastic swatches! :)

  16. Okay, I found Blue Sky at Rite Aid today for .99 cents! I was so excited that they were marked $1.99 and then they rang up for 50% off! Yay!


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