
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Zoya Skittles

When Zoya had the "Green Friday" deal to celebrate the biggest shopping day of the year, I partook of the their offer and snagged 6 free GREEN polishes.
Of course I put 5 of them on my nails to create a green skittle manicure.

(thumb to pinky) Envy, Suvi, Irene, Midori and Tangy. (3 coats each, SV top coat)

Now let me tell you about a HORRIBLE new candy I just all know Skittles right, catch a rainbow..blah, blah., blah. I like this candy, and it allows me to indulge in my favorite (semi- OCD) habit of eating my candy in rainbow order.

(This all stems from years of loving Unicorns and Lisa Frank stickers!!)

Well skittles has a new flavor collection out in a blue bag. Its called "Fizzl'd Fruits", and they are so gross!

They fizz in your mouth, no, no, not like "young/hip" pop rocks, more like "old/indigestion" Alka-Seltzer...UUGGHH!

So I ask what made Skittles put out a product that is literally dusted with Alka-seltzer dust? I mean..really?

I tried each flavor and once the fizzle had fizzled out the skittle part was fine, but the foam action in my mouth was unpleasant. Maybe if the foam had a flavor...maybe?The fizzle was more along the lines of baking soda...just writing this makes me sick.

Needless to say once I gagged a couple down, I shared the pain with my co-workers, and their reactions were the same...GROSS!

So here's my tip for the day, RUN FROM this abomination of a candy, but RUN TO ZOYA's site and get yourself enough polish to make a skittle manicure of your own...HA!...Zoya need's to pay me for this one...HA!

Keep it sweet ladies!


  1. haha, I really love your blog, you've got a great sense of humour! =)

  2. @ Rhea- Thank you! My sense of humor helps when I eat something gross...LOL!

  3. Suvi is really pretty! And I want Irene sooooo bad!

  4. @ Michelle- Suvi is so pretty, but Irene is my favorite of the 6. This photo was taken by my co-workers camera phone, long before I even thought about blogging let alone taking pics. of my manicures :)

  5. I like how you applied from dark to light gradient effect...ugh foamy skittles!! I rather have zoya skittles :)

  6. So many Zoya. I'm going to feature my green stash soon in honour of the Green Party (UK elections).
    That's a great modified gradient you've got there!

  7. im not really sure what type of gold it is but its by Sinful Colors. when you see it in person it is gold-er looking lol

  8. LISA FRANK STICKERS???? I LOVED those!I used to carry my little sticker album everywhere I went. I love the greens,they all look lovely on you :)

    P.S. That candy sounds naaasty!

  9. @rmcandlelight- Thanks, it just made the most sense to em when I saw all those lovely greens in front of me :)

    @jaljen- Thank You, i think the green would be perfect in honor of the elections!

    @c.lette- I think I have seen the gold your talking about, it looked really good on your skin!

    @pinkginger- I had an album too, I think I still have it in storage, and that candy was sooo nasty!


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