
Thursday, May 20, 2010

WOO HOO..... Purple wins!

You voted and Purple is going to be the color theme for my first giveaway.

Blue was 2nd and Green was 3rd.

So now I get to go shopping for purple polish, so many new ones to choose from, I'll post about the giveaway Monday!

On a side note I love this print of Hello Kitty as Prince...awesome!

No... I'm not giving it away, IN the giveaway, I don't even have it myself...I wish!

I love purple, I love Prince...see the connection...all is right with the world!

Thanks for voting!!!


  1. OMG I love Prince SO MUCH! I want the print really badly now!

  2. Really? Awesome! I love him! So talented. The print is at Japan LA for $ day, I'll either buy it, or paint my own...its pure genius :)

  3. How Cute!!! Yes, PRINCE!!! And, what a clever idea to have us vote on a color and then you get to shop for that color. ;)

  4. Yay! I voted for purple. Can't wait to see what you come up with for the giveaway.

    That Hello Kitty print is super cute!

  5. I voted for purple too! Has to be my favorite tied with green. I have alway enjoyed Prince's music over the years too - double bonus! LOL Have fun giveaway shopping - I find that I'm often looking at stuff that would be great in a giveaway without realizing it. Its just another reason to buy more nail lacquer! LOL

  6. Yeha for purple/lavender/lilac. :)
    Have a super weekend kiddo! Oh and I'll be mentioning you on my blog in my next post. :


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