
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I bought a HELMER and a shit load of polish...

I FINALLY bought a Helmer from Ikea, and I was so busy filling it with all my beauties that I didn't even take a pic....I was soooo delirious from polish shopping, I swear I ma in a "Lacquer Coma"...LMAO!!

The Helmer is smaller in size than I thought, but still holds A LOT of polish.  In fact I love the fact that it does not take up a lot of room...I should have grabbed two, but at the time I wasn't sure how well it would work out.

I'll take pics of the Helmer and the polishes I bought at "Brick and mortar" stores when I get home tonight....  others are coming in the mail :):)

Okay so....I need to should I organize my color? or by brand?


  1. Yay! Congrats on getting your Helmer :) I love mine too, I got it organized by color but I guess it just depends on what works best for you.

  2. haha, I love today's title :D

    if i ever get an helmer (or melmer/ other brands helmer) I'd probably organize it by brand, then by color but that's mainly personal preferances, see how you like it and you can always re-organize :)

    oh and I demand pictures of your moving (the polishes) ^^

  3. Yay for a Helmer! I have mine by brand, but am planning to reorganize by color so I don't have to search through so many drawers when I want to compare purple shimmers or whatever. This was less of an issue when everything fit in one Helmer, though.

  4. Can't wait to see your collection! I don't need a Helmer for my small collection (and I'll be in big trouble if I ever do need one) but I organize by brand, then color. I like to see all the same bottles together. :p

  5. Yay! I love my helmer and I'm going to need a second one very shortly. I sort mine by brand. OPI and ChG have their own drawers, and then Square bottle brands in one, round/oval bottle brands in another. Sally Hansen shares a drawer with the over flow of Chg and OPI and then a drawer of other drugstore polish/avon.

  6. I need a helmer ^^
    I'd sort it by brand :)

  7. I think I'm well on my way to a Helmer.

    I currently sort by color. Each one has its own separate Rubbermaid like container. The unsampled ones are in another container and will be transferred to their appropriate color box once used.

  8. Ah, the quintessential question... I sort mine by brand. However, that's because I have all my colors swatched on tips - so do my comparisons there, and then when I decide what I want to wear, go grab the color. Plus I have problems sorting colors like teal (blue or green?) and turqoise...

  9. great, I have also nail polish haul

  10. I vote for color, that's just me! :)

  11. i'm not organized yet but i want to do it by brand and then by color.

    i like the way the bottles look uniform when they are the same brand.

  12. Yay for helmer! I organize my polishes on brand :)

  13. I organize my polishes by brand as well, I just like the look of those matching bottles standing together, even though they could use a coloured sticker on top or something :P

  14. All of these are great ideas, I'll post pics of my Helmer and my recent hauls as soon as they all arrive :)

  15. I'd do it by brand because the bottle shapes fit nicely in the drawer together. Can't wait to see pics.

  16. i have 2 helmer !! range by color !!

  17. AWESOME! i got a helmer in december, then another in march, this time i think i want the tall Alex, it is more expensive (119.99) but looks great! plus i think 3 helmers would take up alot of room!


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