
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Catrice: Sold Out Forever!!!!!...hope not.

This is my third Catrice "Sold out forever".

2 coats

I already showed you this color in an earlier post HERE.  But here is a full hand swatched, so you can see the true beauty of this polish.

Beautiful light mint creme with a fabulous minty hidden shimmer......Look at that minty shimmer!

Can you see it?

This is supposed to be a dupe to the infamous Chanel "Jade"....I don't have Jade, but I do have this.

The formula on this one was different than the others, it was a lot thinner, so controlling this took more care than the others.  But still ...what a beauty!

When everyone was going GA GA for mint polish, I kinda shrugged my shoulders and thought nothing about it, but then I would find one, and buy it anyone. 

Now to really compound my craziness, I would then take it home and put it on the shelf...I wouldn't even wear it...ISN'T THAT SICK! I need help!

But once the mint is on my nails, now...NOW I see what all the fuss was about, the mint colors this past Fall.....awesome!


  1. It's a beautiful color!! I have not tried mine yet. I have so many mints to try out (IT'S CRAZY) LOL

  2. Its a great color, I need to swap for more, but I don't want to b greedy, so I'm happy with my one bottle :)..for now..hahahaha.

  3. wow. your 3rd bottle! and i see why, its gorgeous on you!!!

  4. It's gorgeous on you! I want one :)

  5. thats a boss mint green color. nice mani

  6. I'm crazy for mint shades! I have the Milani Dress Maker that's also a dupe for Jade. It's one gorgeous shade.

  7. Love this one, and the shimmer is amazing!

  8. So pretty! I have this one and can't imagine why I haven't worn it yet.


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