
Monday, November 15, 2010

Zoya Ki and my Zoya Haul

So of course I got some new colors when Zoya had their "BOGO5" sale...and then it reminded me that I still has some Zoya's in my un-trieds from the Earth Day sale...geeze they just keep piling up :)

Zoya "Ki" 3 coats
Sally Hansen "Pedal to Metal" 3 coats with "Ki" dots (Ring)

"Ki" is a great purple duo-chrome shimmer that flashes olive green. I decided to do the ring finger in an accent color with some  "Ki"dots.  Sally Hansen "Pedal to Metal" is a lilac silver metallic, it went perfectly with "Ki".

I love this color, and it reminds me how great duo-chromes are, every little move and you get a new flash of color, awesome!

And Here is the Haul...

Crystal, Valerie, Isla, Yummy (this was the first Zoya I saw and it got me hooked to the line, but I never got it...until now) and Harlow

Karina, Cheryl, Edyta, Shawn and Yasmeen (finally got my hands on this beauty too)



  1. oh, Ki is a gorgeous polish! & what a nice Zoya haul! im sad i didnt do the BOGO sale! =(

  2. I have Ki but have not tried it out yet, I think I'm going have to now :)

    Omg I love Shawn I have to get that one.

  3. @nailpolishobsession- Shawn is very unique, which is why I got it, I can't wait to try it out :)

  4. Yasmeen is all kinds of gorgeous!!! That is definitely one of my top 5 Zoyas. I really like what you did with Ki. Oh! And I'm excited to see Harlow.

  5. Ki is gorgeous. Looks like some amazing colors. Can't wait to see more

  6. Ki is really gorgeous...still in my untrieds. Tell me about it. Buying more before trying the last batch of orders. Lol! I didn't order the reds but I have the spoons they are gorgeous. Time for another order :D

  7. Wow look at that green flash photo! You got a smokin' haul girl! Don't worry I still have some untrieds from Earth Day promo too =D ~

  8. I love manicures like this you did - with accent ring finger. And I can't believe how strong duochrome Zoya Ki is!

  9. Love the look of Ki.
    Great haulage.

  10. Wow, Ki looks great on you! I swapped mine (with penelopepitstopkyd) because I wasn't really feeling it. Nice haul (and yes, Yummy is awesome!)


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