
Monday, December 20, 2010

My wet weekend..

This weekend sucked, it rained SOOOO much here in Southern California, and we still have 3 more days to go!

So yesterday I baked 24 loaves of pumpkin bread with walnuts and I am exhausted!!!  It's our family recipe and we make it every year for the holidays and give it out to friends, co-workers and family!

Its fun, but I am so over it now...LOL!

We bake them in coffee cans and when wrapped in foil, they look like giant bullets..LOL.
 So generally when I give them as gifts I wrap them like this...

Aren't they cute!

So here is my manicure AFTER baking 24 loaves...

2 coats of OPI "Lucerne-tainly look marvelous" topped with Seche Vite...not bad! I normally would have done 3 coats, but I did this manicure 5 minutes before leaving my house for my office holiday party.

I do have some tip wear and my thumb has a small chip...but overall not bad,  after all I did wash dishes and my hands a gazillion times while baking..LOL :)

I know OPI is chip-tastic on some peoples hands, but it wears very well on my question is What polish wears like "iron" on your hands?

Happy Holidays! :)


  1. Sally Hansen stream wear are really good and stay for 5 days without chipping.

  2. I was a baking fiend this weekend, too! Sadly my Orly Galaxy Girl did not withstand the torture. My "iron" polish of choice is Zoya, though I've had good luck with OPI lately, too.

  3. @Megan- What did you bake? :)

    @NailsbyCatherine- It is gorgeous, it reminds me of "Fuggen Ugly", but blingier! LOL!

    @Ladyluck- I have to check them out, I don't believe I have any of the stream wear line :)

  4. Mmmm, I'd love to try this loaves - I don't know what is exactly... Could you send some over? ;)

  5. impressive! and that goes for your baking skills ;)
    On me OPI also wears best of all brands, 5 days easily whatever I'm doing.
    nice post

  6. This looks soooooo good on you! I passed on it in JCPenney a few weeks ago, but now you make me want it.


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