
Friday, March 11, 2011

Dr's Remedy

Oh yeah the doctor is in and he says, healthy vibrant nails are in for this season...LOL!!!

I have 2 new colors (new to me) from Dr.'s Remedy Enriched Nail Polish

A vibrant bluish-purple.2 coats

Love this color, bright, springy, creamy goodness. I reminds me a lot of other colors in the market, but none of them are in my stash, so I have this baby... and that's all I need.

The Dr.'s formula is really nice, easy to apply, no issues and see how shiny this is?!?..NO TOPCOAT...just imagine if I did add it...WOWZER!!!

Now hang on to your pigtails here comes my favorite!!!!!

A bright electric blue with a hint of purple.2 coats

Oh lordie, what can I say that the pics don't...its gorgeous, deep blue/periwinkle, indigo cream with a perfect bright lilac/blue shimmer. In the bottle the shimmer actually looks more lilac, but on the nail it translates to blue/lilac...I can not accurately describe this color because I LOVE IT SO MUCH...LOL..doesn't matter, this is my NEW favorite color!

No topcoat here, I will be re-swatching this bad boy again (with top coat) , its sooo pretty!

The PR for Dr.'s Remedy saw in my last post, how I wanted to try "Vigor" and she knew my love for blue/purple colors ran DEEP, so she sent me "Vigor" and "Brilliant". :)

Dr.'s Remedy Nail Polishes are enriched with Tea Tree Oil, Garlic Bulb Extract, Vitamins and Wheat Protein, and of course they are free of the BIG. 

You can get Dr.'s Remedy on their website at,

Remember just because you are painting your nails with healthier and safer COLORS, does not mean you have to skimp on the COLOR!

Happy Friday!!!


  1. How's the smell on these? I've been wondering about that and no one seems ot have mentioned it yet.

    Colors look amazing! :)

  2. @Lady C-The smell isn't bad, it smells LESS than regular (Big3free) colors. I thought I would smell the tea tree and other stuff, but I don't smell it at all :)Good question :)

  3. the purple color is so lovely!

  4. @Amanda- Isn't it, so pretty and bright!!!!

  5. *faints*

    I need both of these!!! Toooooo much beauty for words!!

  6. Gorgeousss! I love their PR person; she is so nice and easy to work with.

  7. I just had to come back and drool a bit..hehe!

  8. I had readers ask me if it smells like garlic so I start with "No, it does not smell like garlic!" everytime!

  9. very beautiful. i was just gonna ask where i can get a few of the polishes because i've never seen them in stores. i see the link above. thanks.


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