
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Chanel: Graphite

Yep, I did it.  I went to Nordies wanting to get Chanel "Peridot", and instead grabbed "Graphite".  Peridot was a bit too goldie for me and I knew it would show up more metallic foil than green on my skin. I may go back and get it later, but "Graphite" has totally won my heart over.

Chanel "Graphite"
2 coats

Just looking at these pics has me cheesin ear-to-ear!!!!

This applied like a dream, where I placed my brush was exactly where the polish went, it didn't pool or run all over the place, I had absolutely NO "clean-up" with this one!

"Graphite" is a pewter foil with gold, silver  and charcoal grey shimmer.  It dried smooth and boy does it deliver "The Bling".  It seriously sparkles...and I have seen Revlons "Carbonite" in the bottle, and it doesn't even come close in "sparkle" to Chanels "Graphite".

I plan on going back and buying "Carbonite" so I can shoe you a comparison of the two, but I am still waiting on my "nail wheels" to arrive...I swear sometimes I hate when online products ship soooo slow!!! LOL :)

I swear, I half way expect a turtle to ring my door bell and give me my stuff!!!! UGGHHH!!!!

Do you have "Graphite" or "Carbonite"?

Keep It Sweet!


  1. I got and posted about Graphite 2 weeks ago. I'm in love! It's gorgeous! I even left my mani with it on for FOUR days! That's unheard of for me!

    I ended up getting Peridot a few days ago as well haha!

  2. @carly- I wore mine for 4 days too :) Oh No, now you know I have to have Peridot, now that you have it..LOL!!!

    @rock-or-not- Me too!!!!

  3. Haha I love being your bad influence! I think I'm going to post about Peridot today if you want to stare at it more before you inevitably go out and buy it! :)

  4. Yours are the best photos of Graphite I've seen. Wow!

  5. I don't blame you, because I really feel like Graphite is the star of this collection and NOT Peridot.
    I love it especially in your blingy!!


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