
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Glitter Gal's for a great cause!

Leah Ann at is hosting a giveaway in honor or of our fallen soldiers and those that continue to fight for our freedom.

"The helicopter crash in Afghanistan killed soldiers, fathers, husbands, sons and friends. The members of the military and their families make extraordinary sacrifices for our freedom and deserve our support. Being from a military family I know first hand the sacrifices that these families endure with selfless service to our country."

"I will be giving away a set of the Glitter Gal Red, Light As A Feather (white) and Marine Blue to honor these fallen soldiers and their families. This will be a random drawing to be held on September 11, 2011. On the same day, as a tribute to these fallen soldiers and their families, 50% of all sales of Glitter Gal Red, Marine Blue and Light As A Feather on or my Ebay site llarowe, will be donated to the following organization to benefit the families of these soldiers:"

"Thank you so much for your support and God bless our soldiers and their families for their sacrifices for our freedom!"

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