
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Candied Lustre "Jawbreaker" and "Strawberry Milkshake"

I have two more "sweet treats" for you from Candied Lustre, "Jawbreaker" and "Strawberry Milkshake".

Are you ready for this? Yummy-yummy!

Candied Lustre "Jawbreaker" over China Glaze "That's Shore Bright"
2 coats, no top coat

Candied Lustre "Jawbreaker" has a clear base with multi-sized purple, green, pink, blue and red matte glitter.  This is really fun  top coat and goes perfectly with the hottest bright colors for summer. This glitter was easy to apply, no clumping or "fishing" for glitter out of the bottle, and it dried fast.  

I am pleasantly surprised at indie brand polishes and how easy they are making glitter application.  I have not encountered any glitter application problems, with any indies lately. Bravo ladies, the "Big Dogs", better set-up their game, LOL!

I chose to pair it with China Glaze "That's Shore Bright", which is the perfect purple since it leans both pink and purple.

Here is a pic in indirect lighting...

Candied Lustre "Strawberry Milkshake"
3 coats, no top coat

Candied Lustre "Strawberry Milkshake" has a milky pink base with light pink and bright pink glitter and shards. This completely reminds me of a strawberry milkshake, YUM!!!!

I chose to apply this using 3 coats by itself. I wanted that "milky" feeling to come thru with the manicure...did it work? This applied smoothly to the nail, and gave me no control issues. It did take a while for it to dry, but that is most likely because I used 3 thick coats. 

Here are some pics in indirect lighting...

Great! I want a milkshake, LOL! :)

Candied Lustre's polishes are $8.00 each and you can find them on their Etsy Shop or you can contact them on their Twitter feed, and on Instagram (#candiedlustre_nails), don't forget to like them on their Facebook page. :)

Keep It Sweet!

*Product sent by PR.

1 comment:

  1. amazing nails dear
    love this toppers have a wonderful effect...
    visit my blog dear...I don't see you by much time


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