
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Dance Legend Thermo Trio No. 1

Today I am super excited to share with you a polish all the way from RUSSIA!  

Dance Legend Thermo Trio "No.1" is a thermal polish, so it changes color from hot to cold, but this one is even better than the average Thermal Polish. Not only does it change from 1 color to the next, it changes into 3 different colors, depending if your hands are hot, warm or cold! WOO HOO!!!!

First,  let me tell you that it is amazing, and thankfully it is available from several different US distributors:

The company directly Dance Legend
US distributor Ninja Polish
US distributor Llarowe
Facebook US distributor Color4Nails

Okay now for the pics...

This is how it is normally on my hands.  They are hot/warm here. I applied 2 coats of the DL to my nails, and for the accent nail I applied 2 coats of OPI "Alpine Snow", and did a drip decision (using my dotting tool) on top using the DL. Followed by 2 coats of top coat.

Then I decided to dip them into ice water for a couple seconds...

Yep, isn't that amazing!!! I love these pics because you can see the 3 colors all at once! When hot is is a pale blue/purple...then  when warmer it is a warmer purple, almost pink, and then when it is cold, it is a dark/deep purple.

My nails have a funny shape in these pics, because the water is dripping off of the ends. I love the color change on the accent nails the most.  

Now, while I wore this manicure, my nails only changed when...

I washed my hands in cold water
I grabbed ice out of the fridge
I applied hand sanitizer
My hands were cold (which is rare for me)...that's why the color change did not last too long :(

Of course, if you "run colder", you will have a more dramatic change. Also, if your nails are longer, then the tips have a chance of remaining darker then the rest of the nail closer to your skin :)

Overall this polish was fun to wear, and I wore this manicure for 5 days.  I only had a small chip on my right thumb (as usual), and the polish was easy to apply, and wore very well. Nice and durable!

I'll share pics of the other bottle I own, Dance Legend Thermo Trio No. 3, in the coming weeks.

Keep It Sweet!


  1. I was so excited when I finally got my Thermo Trio from Russia yesterday!! (No3) I'm loving all these thermo's lately. and this one is gorgeous! Love the accent nail <3

  2. @Karen Belia- Thanks. They are so much fun, every where I went I would dip my nail in something cold, just so I could see the difference, LOL :)


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