
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Ruby Wing "Electric Firefly" and "Crowd Surf"

Happy Wednesday and I have something ELECTRIC to wake you up today!




These 2 colors from RUBY WING are AMAZING no matter where you wear them!

First Up...

Ruby Wing "Electric Firefly"
3 coats, no top coat

This polish is HOT! It is a bright neon yellow shimmer, and the shimmer has a green quality to it, very reminiscent of a firefly! Growing up we called them "lightening bugs" :)

This applied very smoothly for a shimmer, but because of it's shimmer quality it needed 3 coats for opacity.

Outside this bright baby turns ORANGE with golden shimmer...

WOW!  I love this polish not only because it's bright neon yellow, that changes to orange, but because the SHIMMER changes as well. I love that!

Next Up...

Ruby Wing "Crowd Surf"
2 coats, no top coat

This is a bright red based purple creme, almost neon, it's AWESOME and unfortunately this is the best photo I had that slightly captured how bright this is. This picture is from my phone, because my camera was having NO parts of this, LOL!

Outdoors it took on a deeper "berry" shade...

Applied well, no issues and almost went on like a gel, smooth and glassy! I loved it!

Overall my favorite is "Crowd Surf", but I really love them both.  In the summer, I love wearing color changing polish and thermal polish the most! The changes are always so drastic from hot to cold, and indoors to outdoors, it makes polish FUN!

You can get these colors at your nearest retailer for Ruby Wing or at

Keep It Sweet!

* Products provided for review.

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