
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Color Club Backstage Pass: Swatches and Review

After fighting with these glitters in 2 swatch sessions, I finally ended up with decent shots.  These glitters are not for the faint at heart, so if you buy them prepare for a fight..LOL! :)

Color Club
"Take The Stage"

Left to Right: 3 coats on a nude nail, and 1 coat over black.

Left to Right: 3 coats on a nude nail, and 1 coat over black.

Great gold glitter in a clear base.  This contains small hexagon gold glitter and odd sized glitter "shards" that reflect holographic-ally. Nice!!!

"Wish Upon A Rock-Star"

Left to Right: 3 coats on a nude nail, and 1 coat over black.

Left to Right: 3 coats on a nude nail, and 1 coat over black.

Another great multi-colored glitter in a clear base, but this has pretty lilac hexagon glitter in it. I actually like the lilac glitter added, it gives the glitter some "weight" :0

"Backstage Pass"

Left to Right: 2 coats on a nude nail, and 2 coats over black.

Left to Right: 2 coats on a nude nail, and 2 coats over black.

Large hexagon glitter in purple, lilac and silver in a clear base. Let the complaints begin.  This glitter was a true P.I T.A. (Pain In The A$$) to apply.  I couldn't brush it on like a normal polish, I had to "place it"...if that makes sense.

It was a nightmare!!!

But, once the night mare ended, the application over the black base, turned out pretty nice! :) The glitter is slightly "curled", so it refracts light very well.

"Platinum Record"

Left to Right: 2 coats on a nude nail, and 1 coat over black.

Left to Right: 2 coats on a nude nail, and 1 coat over black.

I loved this glitter. Great silvery platinum glitter in a clear base, with small, medium and large hexagon glitter.

A pure joy to apply, no complaints!

"It's A Hit"

Left to Right: 2 coats on a nude nail, and 2 coats over black.

Left to Right: 2 coats on a nude nail, and 2 coats over black.

Large and medium hexagon glitter in purple and lilac in a clear base.  Another apply.

"Fame & Fortune"

Left to Right: 3 coats on a nude nail, and 1 coat over black.

Left to Right: 3 coats on a nude nail, and 1 coat over black.

This one was a great surprise! Hot pink jelly with glitter "shards"..awesome, and it is gorgeous over black!!!!

My favorites are "Platinum Record" and "Fame & Fortune" :)

*Polish provided by Color Club PR.


  1. I think Take the Stage is the only one that I need from this collection. I like the idea of these polishes, but I wish the big, chunky glitter wasn't so 3D. They look fantastic on you though!

  2. @Jacqui- I agree the 3-D effect is a bit "jarring"..LOL!

  3. I have Backstage pass sitting in a drawer waiting for me to have enough patience to try it on. :D

  4. I'm not a huge fan of this collection to be honest. A lot of the glitters seem either really difficult to work with or not very unique. They're still pretty, just not for me. Fame & Fortune is probably the only one I'd get, it's actually really cool. Great review and swatches!

  5. True life: I'm a punk.

    Hence, I think I'm gonna be skipping these LOL.

  6. @melissa- Thank U :)

    @chaosbutterfly - LOL, you are funny!

  7. Great pictures! I especially like Wish Upon a Rock Star and Backstage Pass over black :-)


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