
Monday, November 21, 2011

Electric Purple Polish Comparison

Okay, so I had a request to compare my bottle of Essie "Viva La Vespa" to other electric purple polishes, to see if she has a sister in the group. I heard that Essie "Sexy Divide" is a pretty close comparison, but I do not own it, so I had to work with what I had in my stash...

Left to Right: Rimmel "Violet Metal", Catrice "Poison Me, Poison you", Essie "Viva La Vespa", Illamasqua" Baptiste", "China Glaze "Coconut Kiss", China Glaze "Let's Groove", Diamond Cosmetics "Monarch Masquerade".

Not a bad line up...LOL,  but I think the closest in color and shimmer are....

Left to Right: Rimmel "Violet metal", Illamasqua "Baptiste", Essie "Viva La Vespa", Catrice "Poison Me, Poison You", and China Glaze" Coconut Kiss".

Thumb to Pinkie: Rimmel "Violet metal" (thumb), Illamasqua "Baptiste", Essie "Viva La Vespa", Catrice "Poison Me, Poison You", and China Glaze "Coconut Kiss". 3 coats on all.

Thumb to Pinkie: Rimmel "Violet metal" (thumb), Illamasqua "Baptiste", Essie "Viva La Vespa", Catrice "Poison Me, Poison You", and China Glaze "Coconut Kiss". 3 coats on all.

As you can see, Baptiste is too deep to be a dupe of VLV, the closest matches from my stash would be The Rimmel and Catrice.The Rimmel has the same color base, but the blue flash sets it apart from the Essie.  :)

Essie "Viva La Vespa", has a great "inner fire", that is simply gorgeous on the nail and in person!

Before doing this comparison the Catrice was my favorite, but now I'm loving Baptiste.  This will definitely be my next manicure!

 Thumb to Pinkie: Rimmel "Violet metal" (thumb), Illamasqua "Baptiste", Essie "Viva La Vespa", Catrice "Poison Me, Poison You", and China Glaze "Coconut Kiss". 3 coats on all.

Out of the 5, which is your favorite?


  1. I can't get enough of those glowy purples. My personal favorite of my own stash is Baptiste, but I may have to pick up that Rimmel after seeing swatches on you!

  2. Great comparison post! I wouldn't say no to any of these--think I have three of them in my stash already. :)

  3. Very nice! I have a lot of light purples in my collection, but not many bright purples. Me thinks I need to get some!

  4. I really like them all to be honest! I love how dark Baptiste is, but I also really like how the rest are more bright and glowy. Sadly, I don't have any colors like this in my stash. Thanks for the comparison!

  5. WOW! I'm totally in love with Baptiste!!! I definitely need to get one!!!

  6. @Jacqui- The Rimmel would be a great addition :)

    @KarenD- having 3 colors from the list, is great! :)

    @Sarah- Adding 1 is a great start :)

    @Melissa- Your welcome, thanks for commenting :)

    @AnGeLiQuE- Baptiste is my new favorite!


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