Thursday, April 14, 2011

With a snap of my fingers....

...wallah, I had 2  new brushes!

Recently I purchased 2 new colors from the OPI Texas Collection and the brushes were really jacked up..LOL :)

I recalled reading on the MUA board, how you could email OPI and ask for replacement brushes.  So, I went to the OPI website and filled out their online form, and requested 2 new replacement brushes.

I did not get an email response, but I received 2 days later was better...2 new brushes with instructions in the mail...SCORE!  I had to give the mail carrier the additional 78 cents, since there was not enough postage on the package, I'm sure this was a mistake :)

Here they are in 2 pieces, with instructions on how to put them together :) Here is the new top...

Here is the replacement pro wide brush...

You have to put the brush into the bottle, then crew on the top and that's it...Thanks OPI for making this as painless as possible! :)
Pin It!


Unknown said...

WOW easy peasy :D i'm gonna do this with a few of mineses....

Unknown said...

Thanks for this post. I may have to get a few myself :)

Jette Fromm said...

Now that's great service! I've always loved the brush in OPI polishes :)

Unknown said...

It's definitely worth it ladies, do it now before they stat to charge for it..LOL :)

Une Ruxi à Paris said...

Very good customer service!!

Laura @ Sawan-Heaven said...

Wow that is awesome to know! I have yet to get a wonky brush from them, and I am very thankful for that. Messed up brushed are the pits. I'm still peeved with my MAC Bad Fairy and it's one crazy strand!

Unknown said...

@Laura- I know what you mean, I'd cut the wonky strand on the bad fairy brush, even though all MAC brushes are bad..LOL :)

Megan Harmeyer said...

Good to know! Great response time on OPI's part (even if you had to give the post man 72-cents).

Piff said...

Excellent news! A couple of my OPIs' brushes are weird as all get out.

Did you have much trouble replacing them?

Skulda said...


Anonymous said...

That's so cool! really nice off them to send new brushes so quickly! 10 stars for customer service!

Unknown said...

can you post the link, i can't seem to find the place to do the :?

Unknown said...

@Piff- Nope, replacing them was super easy!

@kelliegonzo-The link is in the words "online form", just click :)

Rory said...

Thanks for this info! I love it when stuff like this works out...I'm too cynical and always assume the worst. My crush on OPI just got bigger! :o

Unknown said...

@Varnish- It's always a nice surprise... when it works..LOL :)

@The nail Buff- Thank You :)